Monday, July 7, 2008


There is no school until September but there ain't anything to do! My dad watches TV all day or he sleeps all day, but all the shows are baby shows. My friends are out of town, or they live to far out in the country, or I don't have their phone numbers. So I am TRYING to figure out something to do. It's too hard to build a robot. No one walks on my street, so I couldn't make any kind of stand. And I don't have enough video games systems to make an arcade. Oh wait, now I know what could take up time and not be boring in 5 min. like drawing. BLogging and playing on the computer. K now people, I am done blogging for today(Maybe)!


tiki_lady said...

Sam it was so fun heading up there. You are up early. It is 5:14 in the morning! You could build a robot out of foil and boxes and air duct, but it wouldn't work. I do not know the electronics of it. But, I bet if you googled it, you could learn. Dash has a tournament game. I hope he is ready.

tiki_lady said...

Sam, I am mailing out your camera today. Be sure to check the mail in a few days.

Anonymous said...

Dash will probably do good. I mean, you said they went undefeated and won the championship game. And I don't even know what and air duct is!

tiki_lady said...

I called you today and told you we went to the public library. Guess what? I saw a boy sitting next to me and he had 3 books on robots and robotics. It was really kewl. I thought of you when I saw this. He was learning how to build a robot. You could check on line or head to your local public library.

tiki_lady said...

Sam, can you go in an edit the posts with your cuzzin's names on it?? Like change them to their code names. I don't care if you keep my name the same or Your uncle B's. Or you could use their First initials? If you do, then I will be able to announce you on my website. I want to keep our names private because there are so many readers. I can call you if you want me to walk you through it. If you want a code name we can give you one also.

Sweetheart said...

SUMMER TIME iis here