Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Big Brother 11

This Season's contestants

Big Brother is a Great show. If you haven't seen it yet, I think you need to see a doctor because it's insanely awesome!!! The Houseguests are stuck inside a house until everyone except one is voted out. If you happen to be the lucky winner, you win $250,000! Every Week there is a nomination ceremony, award competition, veto competition, Eviction Ceremony, and Head of Household competition. Every week starts off with a Head of Household, or HOH, competition. The HOH has the power to make nominations, put up replacement nominess, and is safe from eviction. Every houseguest competes, except the previous HOH. The competitions are usually either questions of either true or false, or A or B, or the competitions are endurance competitions, like who can hold on for the longest. Then the HOH chooses 2 houseguests to put up on the chopping block, or on a spot where the can be voted off. But then there is the award challenge, where houseguests can win awards and the losing team will be put on big brother slop, which looks and by the looks of there faces, is nasty. But this season they are letting america choose nasty stuff (or tasty for other people) to give to people in adddition to slop. Next there is the Veto Competition. Bear with me people, it's almost the end of the week on the show. The winner can choose either of the 2 people on the block to get off of it, and then the HOH would choose a substitue to go on the chopping block. But only the HOH, both people on the chopping block, and 3 houseguests chosen by random get to compete. Finally, there is the eviction ceremony. All the houseguests except the HOH and nominees get to vote who goes home. Whoever has the most votes goes home and doesn't get to come back until next season. I don't know how long the season is, but it's long. The shows are on Sundays and Tuesdays at 8 PM Eastern time, and Thursday at 9 PM Eastern Time. The Thursday night ones are LIVE so you have to watch them. Oh, and just throwing this out there. If you happen to watch this season's episodes, root for Jeff, Russell, or Lydia. And this is Sammy, Signing off.