Monday, July 14, 2008

Lena's 4th Birthday Party!!!!!!!

It was Lena's 4th Birthday! She had 75 people come to celebrate. She had a little mermaid bounce house, which had a basketball hoop, a floor to bounce, and a slide that was REALLY fast (The first picture is Lena about to go down the slide). But lena's parents bought her the real present. A pink 4 wheeler that is perfect size for her! She also got other presents. And also, you can see she loves high school musical! The other things to do were swimming, eating, and later in the day ride a 4 wheeler, those lawn mowers you sit on, and a golf cart! We all had fun, but Mother Goose and them should've stayed in New York with us for the party!


Kalae said...

Hey nice pics Sam!! And ur right Bill & Chrys should have stayed longer....=)

tiki_lady said...

What a fun party. Mr. Incredible and fam wish we could have been there. We wished we could have seen Bill and Chrys too. Hello!

Devri said...

Great photos.. You are becoming a pro..

Sweetheart said...

Hey! I wished we stayed to but my dad [uncle bill] had to work and he has been out of town for two days. but Lena's birthday looked fun. Well i got to go now but i will comment more later. We miss you. BYE!