Friday, January 30, 2009

Funny Pictures Spectacular For No Reason part 1!

Oh. Hello there.

Squirrely squirrely squirrel

Very interesting...... ummmm... what's 300 hp mean?

Let me out our I will hit you with my red laser eyes!

For today only, you can buy glow in the dark firemen!

My dog is a fierce fighter!

My dog Hanna is stronger than her

The scary, vicious lion!

This is the first ever Funny Pictures Spectacular For No Reason, or FPSFNR! The fantastically funny pictures that I can find when I luckily have my camera! I can tell you something, I like funny stuff. So you can believe that this is not the last of Funny Pictures Spectacular For No Reason! If you have any funny pictures, comment to tell me where to find it.
One thing you should check out is and for seriously funny Barack Obama impersonation music videos! So watch both of them and post a comment to tell me what you think. But seriously, post a comment. JUST POST A COMMENT! YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH THE VIDEOS BUT JUST POST A COMMENT! (But I seriously reccommend to watch the videos) Well, in other news, I made it to the school spelling bee. And if I win that, I go to the County Wide spelling bee. And if I win that, I go to Washington D.C. for the National Spelling Bee! And if I win that, I am the country's best speller! And I get my face in a book that every spelling kid gets to study for the words. But I think the farthest I could get is county wide. Okay, Peace Out Hommees!