Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Italian Festival

On Friday night, my family and I went to the Italian festival. It has games like the one when you haveto knock down all the cans, known as can can. They also had a dunk booth! It was pretty fun, but we ate before we went there because there is always a long line there on Friday nights. I didn't bring my camera because I was afraid I was gonna lose it or someone was gonna steal it. So I left it at home. But it was really fun!

1 comment:

tiki_lady said...

I remember last year when we all went to the festival! I love the Italian Festival and I am so sad I missed it! I can't believe you didn't EAT there. Get some fried dough and a sno-cone! I am glad you had a lot of fun there. Good call on leaving the camera at home.