Monday, September 1, 2008

The Fonda Fair

Me, Lena, and Absmash in the funhouse
Us outside the funhouse
Me on the Avalanche
Hey! That's me! With a bad haircut!
Look for me!

We went to the Fonda Fair Sunday. I had a lot more pictures to show, but the blog won't work right, so here are a few. My favorite ride there is the Avalanche. You go in a circle up and down and when it stops at the top after a few times, it starts going FAST. It really moves your stomach. They also had games there, and all I got was a blow up toy sword and a a really small toy lizard. They had a game there where you could win $100! But it was really hard to win that. Oh and for lunch, me and my dad each got a hot dog. It was 14" and the hot dog was long and fat. It was hard to eat it all, but I ate it. And after lunch I thought I was gonna puke ( I didn't though). I went with Keawe and we went on this new ride right after lunch called the storm. If you went to the Fonda Fair and go on that ride, don't eat before you go on. OK, first the thing you sit in has 8 seats, 4 on each side. When the ride starts, first the thing your in starts spinning. Then the platform your on starts spinning. THEN the platform under the platform starts spinning. And the ride goes on for about 2 minutes, which doesn't sound long, but believe me, it is. I could barely walk straight when the ride was over. But it was an awesome ride. So the Fonda Fair may sound small and not fun, but it's pretty fun!

1 comment:

tiki_lady said...

Oh my goodness, I would have gotten sick on that spinning ride. I used to love those type of rides but now that I am older than the crypt. I can't handle the spin rides! I am glad you all had fun! I loved the Fonda Fair and always ate too much.